Security Approach

Decentralized Identity Infrastructure; Self-sovereign-identity

AuthNull is a standards based decentralized identity infrastructure that delegates trust to users and organizations. AuthNull uses Decentralized identifiers, verifiable credetials and ED25519 public / private key pairs to issue and sign credentials on a decentralized wallet.

Security Approach

Two roots of trust

Two roots of trust (two pairs of public / private keys) - that are requried to issue and sign credentials before infrastructure is accessed.

How does this work?

Admins are issued public / private key pairs and they reside on admin wallet. Additionally claims are logged on public blockchains.

When users are issued credentials, admin claims are used to issue the same. Users are issued their own private keys (which resides in their wallets).

All user claims ust be signed by the users' private keys in order to be able to access any infrastructure.

Security Approach

AuthNull's credential store: Decentralized wallet authenticator app

AuthNull mobile app wallet (available for iOS and Android) acts as a credential store and an authenticator app

How does this work?

AuthNull mobile app for Android and iOS for storing credentials and authentication.

User's private keys are tied to biometrics. All authentication is forced through biometrics

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